Camp Eulogia is a family retreat for families with children with disabilities held yearly. This 3-day retreat will include programs aimed at spiritual renewal, connection with each other and sharing a fun time individually and as a family. Our vision is that the whole family will enjoy camp together.


Camp 1: Aug 11 - 14

Camp 2: Aug 15 - 18

Location: Riverview Christian Camp - 470 Pefferlaw Road, Pefferlaw

A specific focus of Camp Eulogia is on the community. Through worship, fun activities and spiritual practices, families, volunteers, and staff come together as a community in Christ. We also encourage everyone to contribute to the camp programs and share their gifts.

Programs: Separate programming is offered to children with disabilities, youth and adults with disabilities, parents, and siblings, while there are ample opportunities for families and volunteers to meet, share and worship as a community.

  • Parents: A variety of activities to encourage sharing and learning from and support for each other.

  • Children with disability: Facilitators with professional backgrounds will lead the program for children/youths with disabilities, through music, crafts, stories related to the theme.

  • Youth and Adults with disability: Facilitators with professional backgrounds will lead the program for children/youths with disabilities, through music, crafts, stories related to the theme.

  • Siblings: Siblings will have their own program related to the theme and will share an extra special experience with their parents/caregivers.

For more information regarding camp and other summer programs, contact

Registration is closed

Village Eulogia Retreat – A Quiet Place to Rest and Pray

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Village Eulogia is pleased to offer families a chance to step away from their day to day lives in order to refresh and renew in a quiet and relaxing space. We offer a unique and welcoming retreat at one of our cottages, located in the community of Riverview Christian Camp, in the village of Pefferlaw. The cottages are located only an hour north of Toronto and just 10 minutes from Sibbald Point Provincial Park.

During your stay, we invite you to participate in a spiritual retreat. Do you desire rest, but feel you don’t have time? Sitting by the water’s edge or under the night sky provides an opportunity for silence, solitude, rest and renewal. Ecclesiastes 3:7 says, “there is a time for everything …a time to be silent and a time to speak”. Perhaps the first step of your spiritual path is to trust God with your time. We offer both guided and self-guided retreats.

We hope you will take advantage of the opportunity to bathe in the Lord’s blessing by taking a retreat. Our relationship with God is the most valuable spiritual resource we have. We need to be intentional in focusing our attention on our spiritual growth, our relationship with God, so that we can live not only fulfilled lives but live life to the fullest.

See descriptions of our cottages, costs and calendars with booking availability below. For further information email us at


Closed for the season


Closed for the season

Have you ever felt overwhelmed being out in public at events with your loved one with needs. Let us help you learn to be more comfortable and perhaps introduce you to accessible, sensory friendly, relatively cheap, fun family activities. Join our VE families as we attend various events around the GTA.

We will make suggestions of places and times to connect.  You will be responsible for registering if necessary and all costs of attending.  Watch for registration notices and links for places that only accept groups from charities. You will be responsible for your loved ones. BUT – you will have the strength and camaraderie of attending at the same time as other VE families.

Feel free to share ideas of places you enjoy and/or times that best fit your lifestyle. These events are about providing families time to connect, support one another and enjoy being out and about as a family. For questions or suggestions email

Follow the link to possible Community Activities - Village Eulogia does not specifically endorse any program, activity, or community function. Suggestions are for information sharing only.

Hello Village Families and Supporters!

Village Eulogia’s Move-athon 2024 took place on October 5th, 2024 and it was a huge success! Check out our video below. We are around $5200 short of our $30,000 goal to support Village Eulogia’s programs for families with disability (Camp Eulogia, VE Retreat Ministry, and other year-round programs). Thank you to all our participants for their efforts so far in raising these funds. Keep up the good work! Big thank you to our corporate sponsor, Ideas for Independent Living. for sponsoring lunch and t-shirts for our fundraising event.

You can still fundraise for us before Oct 31!

  1. Share your Zeffy fundraising page on your social media, friends, and family

  2. Cheque donations can be mailed to Village Eulogia

    5863 Leslie St., Unit 453,

    Toronto, ON, M2H 1J8

  3. Cash can be collected and then e-transfer the full amount to and email us the pledge form for tax receipt.

Email Cindy Kwan at for all other questions.


Village Eulogia