Village Eulogia Retreat – A Quiet Place to Rest and Pray
Village Eulogia is pleased to offer families a chance to step away from their day to day lives in order to refresh and renew in a quiet and relaxing space. We offer a unique and welcoming retreat at one of our cottages, located in the community of Riverview Christian Camp, in the village of Pefferlaw. The cottages are located only an hour north of Toronto and just 10 minutes from Sibbald Point Provincial Park.
During your stay, we invite you to participate in a spiritual retreat. Do you desire rest, but feel you don’t have time? Sitting by the water’s edge or under the night sky provides an opportunity for silence, solitude, rest and renewal. Ecclesiastes 3:7 says, “there is a time for everything …a time to be silent and a time to speak”. Perhaps the first step of your spiritual path is to trust God with your time. We offer both guided and self-guided retreats.
We hope you will take advantage of the opportunity to bathe in the Lord’s blessing by taking a retreat. Our relationship with God is the most valuable spiritual resource we have. We need to be intentional in focusing our attention on our spiritual growth, our relationship with God, so that we can live not only fulfilled lives but live life to the fullest.
See descriptions of our cottages, costs and calendars with booking availability below. For further information email us at
Closed for the season
Closed for the season